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African American Tobacco Policy Platform


Created by AATCLC & AMPLIFY!


Prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes.


Protect our Children by making tobacco use and the predatory marketing of flavored tobacco products one of the top five priorities facing our community.


Work within our own organizations and religious institutions to mount a sustained and comprehensive campaign against the tobacco industry. Advocate for adoption of non-acceptance of tobacco industry sponsorship/ contributions policies.


Understand that predatory marketing and tobacco use perpetuate poverty in our communities.


Hold the tobacco industry responsible for the irreparable harm that has been done to our community.


Work with elected officials to develop a comprehensive tobacco control platform that will eventually reduce tobacco related illness and improve health equity in the African American community.


Demand adequate funding for tobacco prevention programs and culturally appropriate services to help people stop smoking.


Support raising the price of ALL tobacco products, especially cheap unregulated tobacco products that inundate African American and Latino communities. These products include little cigars, blunt wrappers, and cigarillos such as Black N Milds, and Swisher Sweets. Increase legal age to purchase tobacco to 21.


Support and demand smoke free multi-unit housing and other protections against secondhand smoke exposure.


Advocate for policies that explicitly exclude civil or criminal penalties for use or possession of tobacco products.

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